
Monday, April 14, 2008

Are MySQL clustered dedicated servers reliable?

MySQL clustered dedicated server combines the world’s most popular data base with a parallel server. You can deliver mission critical data base with maximum availability with the flaunt tolerating clustering architecture. MySQL clustered dedicated server maximizes the availability of your business application in a very economical fashion. Along with this MySQL helps the organizations to adapt the high-availability clustering solutions and thus get rid of its traditional barriers. Organizations can do so in the ways that are mentioned below..!

  1. Reducing the cost of software with an affordable licensing model...
  2. Reducing the hardware cost by running on commodity hardware..
  3. Reducing the specialized administration skill and thus reducing operating costs..

Here we also have the key features and the benefits of MySQL server listed down...

The MySQL clustered dedicated server is known for its high availability. It has a cost effective “5 nines” delivery with no failure...

It helps to incrementally scale out your applications, as your business needs growth using the commodity hardware..

It delivers a high performance which is highly suited to meet the most demanding of enterprise applications....

You can now easily attain mainframe reliability using the commodity hardware...

Here are a few of the target customers for MySQL clustered dedicated server...

The typical customers include telecommunications and financial companies. Financial companies are great targets they need thought put to take care of the great volume of transaction. MYSLQ server is of help to almost all the organizations but to be more user specific, it is mainly desired by the following...

Existing MySQL users, these users are the ones who need to accommodate the ever increasing thought put of their critical business applications as a result of the increase in the number of users as well as the data and the transactions...

Telecom customers, these are telecom organizations who are shifting from commercial data base such as Times Ten or other home grown solutions as they find it to be too expensive and time consuming to maintain...

Government Organizations, these organizations are a target client base as they are always constrained by their budget and they aggressively evaluate an open source stack.

Corporate IT and Development Managers and other organizations that needs cost effective solutions look forward to MySQL clustered dedicated server...!

Is a cPanel Dedicated Server right for me..?

Significance of cPanel:

The cPanel essentially is a control panel system that hosts data on the web. This system is installed on, what is known as, a ‘dedicated’ server. There are essentially two sides to this cPanel dedicated server system:

  1. On the one hand there is the Web Host Manager or the WHM for whose who host the content on the web: the function of the WHM is basically to insure that the functions of the system and control panel are performed safely through the right interface. It also helps in easy administration of the hosting accounts and the reseller accounts. The good part about this is, however, the WHM does not require performing functions like manually set up user accounts, deal with their passwords and inbox, etc...
  2. And on the other end is end user who uses the cPanel: it is the end user who ultimately uses the cPanel which allows them the liberty to administer everything on their own account, creating accounts, elimination accounts, clearing emails, etc....

Receiving a cPanel server:

Not all dedicated servers purchased or leased through server providers come with a cPanel system. However, while looking out for a server to purchase, one must necessarily go for a cPanel dedicated server. If cPanel is purchased with the server, there are chances of gaining a good discount on it. BurstNet and LiquidWeb are the two popular cPanel partner Network Operating Centers. The cPanel can, however, be run on Linux...

Using the cPanel dedicated server:

The cPanel dedicated server would require to be initialized before one can start off with the publicity and client servicing bit. The following steps would give you an idea of how to go about the initialization:

  1. Name servers must be set up...
  2. Server protection must be gained by tuning security settings..
  3. Verification for effective operation of all services must be done regularly...
  4. Ad-on scripts to forward to clients may be included...
  5. Security scripts can also be included...

Miscellaneous to keep in mind:

It must be remembered that cPanel does not have any billing service. One has to physically register clients and deal with their payments manually, using an external service provider....!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

eUKhost Offers Semi-Dedicated Plans..!!

UK-based Web hosting provider eUKhost ( announced on Monday it is now offering its new range of Linux and Windows semi-dedicated server hosting plans..

The plans will be priced at £54.00 a month, or $112.30 USD. They feature the latest Intel Core 2 Duo Quad Core Xeon Q6600 processors combined with large quotas of Web space and monthly transfer rates, says eUKhost..

All the nodes include 8GB RAM and only four accounts are setup on each node, which helps maximize each customer's access to server resources and ensure that each account on the node receives a minimum of 2GB of guaranteed RAM. The plans are available for both Linux and Microsoft operating systems..

"Our new semi-dedicated servers are hosted on the state-of-the-art Intel Core 2 Duo Quad Core Xeon Q6600 processor servers, which deliver unrivaled performance at a remarkably low price," says Mark Ducadi, eUKhost's CMO. "We see our customer's databases and applications requiring more and more processing power. Therefore, we want to offer them the most powerful and reliable servers in the market..."

Handsome earning through Reseller Hosting..!

Web hosting is the smartest choice for the business owner who wants to achieve the title of the successful businessman .The target should to be a hosting reseller in which the business owner has to provide the hosting facility to his customer i.e. web site owners. Here the business owners plays the role of a channel between the big hosting company from where he buys space and the website owner finally to whom he will redistribute the space..

The middleman acts as a broker, as they use to provide the services to the web site owner from other web host server not from their own. Mostly the reseller are so perfect in providing their service that it is next to impossible for a customer to catch that they will provide the service from the another web hoster not from their own. Most important is that the server's chosen by the middleman provides their best service...

Reseller hosting business will be a deal of smart earning if one gets to know about figures and profit margins. The technique what resellers adopt is that they tend to buy around 1000 MB of space, which afterwards they redistribute, to several site owners. Charges that they generally charge is around 5$ for 25 MB space monthly that means resellers can easily earn monthly $200 by selling just 40 hosting packages. Making the business more exciting some hosts allow overselling of the space and they do not even charge extra till is usage is within 1000MB.In most of the cases it is noted that user just uses less than half of the allotted apace that means one can double or triple sell that quota and can earn good amount of money...

The income generated from this business in unlimited. Infact the earning will be for long term only by the work of reselling. The most important activity one has to take care is of selling hosting space. The step favorable for reseller is that web host not only provides full services but also take care for customer support..

Not only this but also one can earn more income by appointing more resellers through them as this can lead to earning of commissions on subletting. Ultimately this is the business in which the owner can earn a good margin of profit without investing any capital on the infrastructure. There's also scope to be most scalable rather to stick only in typical hosting firm. But on other side the web host can face the problem as if the sudden requirement of customer for upgrading of its hardware emerges which results to be expensive and both time consuming.

Finally a smart reseller will be that who have the choice of different web host to satisfy its customers...!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Cheap Dedicated Server Web Hosting - Free..!!

Usually starter or beginner webmasters start with a cheap shared hosting package. Once a web site takes off in a big way and there are a lot of visitors, it may be time to upgrade your shared hosting package to dedicated web hosting. In the cheap shared server web hosting plans, webmasters share one server with a lot of other webmasters, which may be shared by hundreds. The performance of all websites take a performance hit if some other webmaster is using the resources of the web server excessively. These shared plans are usually available for $3-10 per month. Some of the other webmasters may be running proxy sites which are resource hungry, and may lead to a very slow response from your site, or could even force your website to become inaccessible. Even a DoS attack against any other site in the shared host can affect your website adversely. So what is the solution?

The answer lies with web hosting companies offering Cheap Dedicated Server web hosting plans that are quite cheap in terms of monthly payments. These plans usually start from a minimum of $30 per month and go upwards depending upon server configuration and bandwidth usage. Cheap Dedicated Server web hosting plans come in two flavors. The first type is the Virtual Private Server where you are still on a shared host, but it runs a few virtual private servers. Virtual private servers are the least expensive type of hosting amongst cheap dedicated server web hosting plans. Users of these servers have a set amount of resources to use of the server, and there are far less people sharing the server. Each virtual server appears to be a complete machine in it self and is under complete control buy it's user...

The second variety of cheap dedicated server web hosting plans provides for a dedicated server physically. Usually these are small value servers located at data centers or server farms and are available for exclusive use for one user. The webmaster who pays for a dedicated web server, may at his or her discretion, host one or more website and completely controls his dedicated server. No limits as opposed to using shared hosting which heavily limits what you can do. The hosting company only provides the physical hosting, operating system installation, backup and OS updates of your server, and nothing else. All other things are controlled by the webmaster..

When you find that traffic to your shared hosting website has grown so much that the shared host is not able to handle the load without affecting others on the server, then its time to switch over to cheap dedicated server web hosting plans. As a dedicated server does not share its resources with any other webmaster, the cost of such a plan is much higher, but the facilities provided by cheap dedicated server web hosting is far greater as you have a lot of control over the server's operations and a lot more resources available. Leaving aside the cost factor, cheap dedicated server web hosting is the best option for an webmaster who's learnt the ropes, starting to get more traffic, and simply needs to upgrade...!

High bandwidth dedicated server – details & ideas..!

Some of the most successful businesses have started with the help of the Internet and there are a lot of people who acknowledge this fact. Today, we no longer look at the Internet with mistrust and we use it for a variety of purposes. It is extremely useful and it offer us page after page of possibilities..

Lately, a lot of people are interested in creating their own website and are ready to face the challenges out there. Before taking any final steps, one must study the whole process very attentively and gather all the information presented online. Behind any well-made website, there is a valuable hosting service and there are many people who look for high bandwidth dedicated servers...

When it comes to high bandwidth dedicated servers one must understand that not every hosting package is made to correspond to all users. One of the most critical aspects of creating a website is choosing the appropriate web hosting service, thus enjoying a prosperous business.

High bandwidth dedicated servers are providing a full set of options and are usually used by quickly prospering websites. They grow and the need more attractive features, including a higher level of security. Having such a server guarantees the total lack of viruses and spyware. They provide the website owner with better control and represent one of the safest options in the field of web hosting.

The most important thing to take into consideration when you are thinking about high bandwidth dedicated servers is quality. Finding a reliable service that puts quality before anything else is essential and this is why many people prefer to do a thorough research before jumping in the business. They want to make sure that they know all the risks possible and also that they benefit from the best service out there...

Following simple guidelines can only help you make an informed decision. Depending on the type of website you want to create, you can choose your options and packages. Remember that if you have a website that has a lot of traffic, you will surely need high bandwidth dedicated servers to help you. The technical backup is always important and you should make sure you got it covered.

The larger the website you create, the more trustworthy your web host must be. You cannot choose an unreliable source as you will end up paying for unnecessary consequences. The Internet is home for many web hosting companies and all of them present their available packages in a very attractive manner. It is your decision and you should not make it on the spur of the moment. Take serious time to consider all your options and find out what high bandwidth dedicated servers are all about...

Lately, there has been an increased interest when it comes to the matter of adult website hosting. A lot of people are unclear of what it really refers to and why does it need extra space. Adult website hosting is made especially for people who create adult websites and who plan on taking in a lot of traffic.!

There have been some extraordinary offers on the topic of adult website hosting. A lot of companies advertise their packages and are ready to provide their service for websites holding adult content. They are fully conscious that this kind of website needs a lot more than technical support and flexibility. This is why people providing adult website hosting are true professionals and they struggle to keep everything in top shape...!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What is dedicated Hosting..?

When an individual has an entire server dedicated to his company and does not share the server with anyone, it is called dedicated hosting service or managed hosting service..

This is a great option for organizers because a dedicated server means that they can exert complete control over the server. Since they do not have to share the server with anyone else, they decide on the type of hardware used, the operating system and other important aspects of the server. Generally, this kind of server is used by data centers, for redundant power sources and also HVAC systems....

For choosing the operating system on your dedicated server, you need to take care of certain things like affordability, availability and customer service. Linux is an operating system that does not require any extra charge and is given for free.

But using the Windows operating system requires a license fee, thus increasing the cost. There is a special Microsoft program called the SPLA that helps in running the commercial Windows Server. Another thing that you can avail of is the Linux version provided by the Red Hat Network. For this version of Linux, you need to pay a monthly charge. However, you get regular updates in return.

There are many other operating systems on offer for your dedicated hosting service like CentOS, Fedora Core, Debian. Other Linux systems include Free BSD, Net BSD and Open BSD.

In order to ensure that your server performs well all the time, you need to give your server and your operating system the right kind of support. You need to get hold of the latest security features, plug the gaps in your system and find ways out of any vulnerable part of the system. You need to keep on upgrading your server in order to keep up with the advancements in technology. Good and regular upgrades will help in great server management....

One of the problems that you are likely to face with a dedicated server is when sudden technical problems spring up. Since you have the entire system at your command, you will not have a reliable technical support team to bank upon in case of a technical problem. In order to get out of such situations yourself, you need to be well versed in technical and programming stuff. Even having a computer programming expert as a friend helps....

The technical problems that can crop up are one of the biggest disadvantages of a dedicated hosting service. You need to take care of numerous things to ensure that your website doesn’t break down because of these problems. Thus, before going for a dedicated internet server, think over these things...!

Configuring cPanel Dedicated Servers..!

Before you can start working with your server, you must be provided with the required information so that you can proceed. Here is what you need to do:

1. Completing the initial setup when you first login.

The initial setting can be done be simply letting the default options prevail on your cPanel dedicated servers. And that is perfectly all right in most of the cases. But in some places you might want to look out for something specific that you want to change. Certain options like the hostname and the hosts email address have to be mentioned. in case there are any problems with the settings, you will be notified by the server, so that you can correct them.

2. Running Apache Update

The types of PHP scripts and commands on your cPanel dedicated servers will depend on your Apache update. Therefore Apache update must be enabled by checking appropriate boxes and then click “start build”. You must remember not to close the server window, or the process, which would roughly take anything between 10 and 30minutes, will remain incomplete....

3. Creating Packages for your cPanel dedicated server Accounts

Your Web Host Manager will have Package Manager that will help you establish packages for you cPanel dedicated servers. This must be done to enable the quick and efficient starting up of sites you wish to host....!

4. Check out the Security Center in WHM

Firstly, you must enable the complier access from the Complier Tweak segment. While users like ‘root’ and ‘apache’ would need such access, user ‘nobody’ would not require it. You must also remember to enable the SMTP Tweak and Shell Fork Bond Protection. This basically protects your server from being used by unauthorized users to send out email, etc, and spamming accounts of your contacts...!

5. Configuring Backups

Back ups must necessarily be configured in order to protect your system. Under WHM you will find the Backup option. You enable the ‘configure backup’ box. You will have to make a few choices after that, regarding the length of your back up and how much of retention do you wish your server to provide...!

Choosing the operation system for your dedicated hosting.

First of the many things that you will have to do in setting up an online business is to find a web host. Yu must be thinking s to how you are to find a web host, the answer is that are loads of web host , each of these web hosts have different focus and they provide different service aimed at a specific segment of the market. It is important to note that the operating system of your dedicated hosting company may hinder your flexibility. As you go ahead and study the options there are certain things that you should keep in mind....

An operating system such as Microsoft Windows NT or DOS, instructs your computer as to how to open applications and save files. In the earlier days of internet activity, most of the windows servers operated on a UNIX platform, this platform required considerable technical expertise to operate and it was an extremely powerful tool. Even today UNIX is high on popularity, but along with that you do have choice too. There is the Windows NT and other variations of UNIX such as Sun Microsystems Solaris and Berkeley’s BSD...

Here we have for you a detailed description of all the different systems, the choice entirely depends on your budget and what you want to do with the site...

Linux server is a version of the UNIX window server, it is a very versatile platform and it performs a variety of functions. The main functions that it meets are mailing, web serving, streaming, and also file serving. It is a very economical choice to, make it allows more web sites per server and thus reduces the overall cost. These Linux services are quite compatible with certain Microsoft extensions, such as MySQL and also Microsoft front page. Linux is free software and a host of free programs are available to the users of Linux server...

There are a lot of advantages of window server hosting. There is availability of dot net technologies such as the ASP dot net and VB dot net....

Access database are available only with a windows hosting plan, it is unavailable of Linux as it runs only on a Microsoft windows....

In case you are using some of Microsoft’s share point, then windows dedicated hosting plan is the only secure and reliable choice for you.

Linux is very cost effective and will come very handy especially in the case of small enterprises. ...!

Choosing a control panel for your dedicated server...!!

Before deciding upon the hosting provider, it is important that you check out their control panel. It is a very important decision to make as this will be a long term decision and you will have to live with it through out. Most of the web sites have an option that will actually let you test the option on their site as you browse....

A web hosting control panel is software that helps you to control your web hosting account. Each web hosting service provider offers some type of control panel, generally this control panel helps you to add email accounts, change your password, access your files, and also back up your site. cPanel server, Plesk server and other dedicated servers are used as interface by customers....

Some of the control panels that are on offer are difficult to use as they are clunky, thee are others that are too graphical and take time to load. The control panel is the backend of your web page that is this is the part that can be seen by only you and no one else. Here you can set up MySQL database and email accounts, you can also check the number of visitors here....

cPanel server and Plesk server are both powerful graphical user interface which can be easily accessed by your web browser. They offer both the basic option for configuring a new web site as well as advanced configurations. Both these interfaces are easy to maintain but they have their differences. With cPanel server the level of administration that is provided to the user is based on the privileges that is signed by the administer of the server. With cPanel servers, the highest levels of administrative fuctions are housed in one control panel, called the WHM or the Web Hosting Manager. This control is not for every ones use and is intended especially for the use of system administrator the primary technical contact of the server. Here you can create individual hosting accounts, you can perform system wide back ups, you can also change the system wide configurations of the individual services that are tat are hosted on your cPanel server. The individual users are provided the interface with a slightly different web address. Individuals here can perform a lot of functions such as restoring their sites, making back ups, and creating email and FTP accounts. ...!

What are the benefits of clustered dedicated servers...?

A clustered approach to web hosting can take the sites to a new level as it overcomes the limitations of one physical server. Even compared to the finest dedicated server plans a clustered approach is still far superior. Grid web hosting technology or the clustered dedicated servers allows sharing of processing powers amongst many servers, distributed in real time. This means that the websites are powered by a very powerful and inexhaustible source; it is because even the largest customer cannot take more than a tiny fraction of the large server pool. The other benefit is that, even if one server is under threat thee are lots of back us available and the other servers are available to share the load....
Clustered web hosting is structured in such a way, such that the intrinsic errors are eradicated. These errors are generally found in shared hosting system, this means grouping of a number of servers and then networking them so that the work stack can be shared. Clustered web hosting is the site that caters to this service. In this case the resources of the websites are drawn so accurately that a particular web site is not confined to only one server. The consistency of the server is maximized as all web sites have their own service redundancy.

This involves sharing of a numerous servers, sharing of their programs, and also distributing it during active time. Whenever there is a change in a clients account, then this information is speedily transmitted to all the servers that are present in the clustered dedicated server.!! ...!

There are a lot of advantages of clustered dedicated servers....

In the ordinary hosting situations, the security tiers are not generally incorporated in the platforms. Hence most of the hosts have to implement the firewall method to overcome this weakness. But this is not the case with clustered dedicated servers; in this case there are many levels of security. The network of a clustered web hosting has excellent routing and switching structure; it has an inbuilt fire wall and also has a proxy tool. This keeps the clustered web hosting one notch higher than other traditional hosting techniques. ....

Friday, January 18, 2008

Web Hosting Benefits of a Dedicated Server

Hosting your web sites on your own dedicated server may seem a little expensive in comparison to shared web hosting, but the end result is more advantageous. Shared web hosting, no matter how well managed, cannot be 100% reliable and stable. However if you have your own dedicated server you can manage to avoid most of the variables affecting the reliability and stability of a server, commonly experienced by shared hosting accounts; variables such as: overload, bad codes and scripts from other users (especially beginners); and, too many applications and components uploaded, and so on.

On a dedicated server you will install only software and applications you want to use, while on a shared hosting server you will find a host of other softwares and applications installed for other users.

By the very nature of the account, a dedicated server: reduces your dependency on the web host; and bypasses time delays and possible expenses incurred from these. With dedicated server hosting you can provide instant support to your own clients whenever required, which is not possible if you are on a shared server. A reliable, and fast support service is vital for your own business growth just like the stability and reliability you wish for your own website. In business, reliability is reflected through word-of-mouth as one of the most effective promotional activities.

For people with clients, such as Graphic Designers and Web Designers a dedicated server is invaluable. A dedicated server will bring extra income into the studio, not just as a hosting facility, but, as a designer knows only too well, for the extra ‘bread and butter’ income value. If you have 24hour access to your own dedicated server then you can adjust, correct or update a clients website in minutes, allowing you to keep the dollar back in your studio and not in someone else’s. Ready availability results in reduced labour costs for the client, but higher studio-income frequency for the designer. Hence you will see the return of all your regular offline clients, bringing their web work with them.

The need for a dedicated server to your average shared server user is realised when stats tell you: how quickly people left your site because it was taking too much time to download; or how many daily visitors you are down by, because your site was not up. The true negative is the worry of how many lost visitors could have been your future paying-customers. The loss could easily equal the value of the upgrade to a Dedicated Server!

For a business, a website that is quickly downloadable and up all the time gives the visitor encouragement that your service is just as reliable, hence you will be more likely to make a sale. It will also enhance the company’s image and encourage existing customers to refer your service to others. This will result in more sales for less promotion.

If you are serious about your online presence you need to get a Dedicated Server.