Before deciding upon the hosting provider, it is important that you check out their control panel. It is a very important decision to make as this will be a long term decision and you will have to live with it through out. Most of the web sites have an option that will actually let you test the option on their site as you browse....
A web hosting control panel is software that helps you to control your web hosting account. Each web hosting service provider offers some type of control panel, generally this control panel helps you to add email accounts, change your password, access your files, and also back up your site. cPanel server, Plesk server and other dedicated servers are used as interface by customers....
Some of the control panels that are on offer are difficult to use as they are clunky, thee are others that are too graphical and take time to load. The control panel is the backend of your web page that is this is the part that can be seen by only you and no one else. Here you can set up MySQL database and email accounts, you can also check the number of visitors here....
cPanel server and Plesk server are both powerful graphical user interface which can be easily accessed by your web browser. They offer both the basic option for configuring a new web site as well as advanced configurations. Both these interfaces are easy to maintain but they have their differences. With cPanel server the level of administration that is provided to the user is based on the privileges that is signed by the administer of the server. With cPanel servers, the highest levels of administrative fuctions are housed in one control panel, called the WHM or the Web Hosting Manager. This control is not for every ones use and is intended especially for the use of system administrator the primary technical contact of the server. Here you can create individual hosting accounts, you can perform system wide back ups, you can also change the system wide configurations of the individual services that are tat are hosted on your cPanel server. The individual users are provided the interface with a slightly different web address. Individuals here can perform a lot of functions such as restoring their sites, making back ups, and creating email and FTP accounts. ...!
1 comment:
Before choosing your domain you consider above all the points means you get it reliable and cheapest dedicated server
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